LBW Financial Services
Your Comprehensive Family Financial Plan
The first step on your path to financial independence is the preparation of a comprehensive Family Financial Plan. This plan will become a model of your financial future, allowing us to measure the impact of any change we could consider making in your finances.
Your plan will allow us to:
- Turn your dreams into quantified financial goals. We’ll determine how much your goals will cost, and when we’ll need to be prepared to pay for them.
- Address your concerns and expectations for retirement.
- Identify risks which could put your plans in jeopardy, and manage those risks.
- Determine those elections which will maximize the benefits you receive from Social Security and pensions.
- Plan for the rising cost of retirement health care.
- If you have children or grandchildren, plan for contributing to their higher education.
- Identify strategies to reduce the drag of taxes on your financial plan.
- Develop a plan to distribute your assets to the next generation.
Your plan will also guide our asset allocation advice:
- Determine what returns your investments will require to reach your goals.
- Stress test the plan against adverse market conditions.
Once your plan is presented to you, you’ll be provided a bound hardcopy to take home. This becomes a living document, and we’ll update it to reflect life changes as we work together.
Benefits of working with an independent Registered Investment Advisor
As your fiduciary, we only advise that which we would do for ourselves in your situation.
Fiduciary is a legal standard we voluntarily adhere to. We put the needs of the client ahead of our own. FINRA and the U.S.government don’t mandate us to take on this standard. We do it because we believe it represents the ethics by which every advisor SHOULD operate.
No offers of proprietary products.
At LBW, clients benefit from an unbiased analysis of the entire investment landscape. In contrast, for example, if you go to an investment bank, they’ll likely recommend that firm’s proprietary products. In that scenario, the bank puts their interests ahead of yours. In contrast, LBW screens securities across all issuers for superior risk-adjusted returns while minimizing your investment expenses. After all, our loyalty has always been to our clients.
We partner with Charles Schwab for world‐class trade execution and financial strength.
To safeguard your assets, Schwab acts as custodian of your investments. You’ll benefit from world‐class equity and fixed income trade execution. Mutual funds are institutionally purchased as a no‐load (zero commission) trade.
Access to the thought leadership of many firms. LBW turns to a robust suite of analytical resources to research marketplace offerings. We have contracts to access Wall Street analyst reports from the following:
Contact us at (888) 522-7805 to reach our advisors.
Useful Resources
Free and simple tools are available to research firms and financial professionals at , which also provides educational materials about broker dealers, investment advisors, and investing.
Securities offered through Osaic Wealth, Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through PFG Advisors, LLC. Osaic Wealth is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of Osaic Wealth.